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На встречных курсах
Тактический футболпрогноз

Established on September 20 2015 managed by Sergey2, Киев
  • # of enrollment requests: 18
  • Bet count: 472
  • Prize Wz paid to players: 0
  • Management bonus: 0
  • Total Prize Wz: 0
  • Bought up by players: 0
  • Disable Power Bets — spend: 0
  • Disable Power Bets — total spend by players: 0
  • Disable Power Bets — total spend overall: 0
  • Prize Wz for a win: 0
  • Prize Wz for a draw: 0
  • Tournaments: 1 | 0 | 0
  • Cups: 0 | 0
  • Competitions: 0 | 1 | 0
  • All tournaments: 1 | 0
  • Vacancies: 0
  • Discussions: 141
  • Турнирная таблица чемпионата НВК1.
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